
Showing posts from June, 2022

How to spot a fake articles and real articles

This page lists ways to spot garbage or scam written content and ignore it. This is a developing page. As I find more keywords I'll add them here. Fake articles In essence, if a headline contains the following list of words or sentence structure, you can safely ignore it. Fake articles are basically hype that gives you hope personally of being saved from your daily troubles. Generally, good news is fake and bad news is real, unless it affects you or your immediate social circle. So, some examples of fake news would be cures for obesity, cures for cancer, easy money solutions, etc. Examples of real news would be trials that show some promise on some forms of obesity or cancer, and articles which tell you how to save money rather than "quick fix" money solutions.  Scam articles in general, appeal to lowest-common denominator features of humanity: sex, vanity, food, greed, personal finance problems, seeing the future, etc. Real articles appeal to humanity at large, e.g. poli...