Wits/Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine Trial, post #2

24 July 2020

So today I went to get the trial shot. I don't know if I got the vaccine or a placebo; it's a double-blind trial.

They also gave me a "starter pack" with various things to monitor symptoms; hand sanitiser; a thermometer; and a diary / log to track symptoms.

They draw blood every time, which is not pleasant. (But still better than dying of Covid-19).

And I have found they pay you a compensation of R 300 per visit.

Each visit takes about 2-3 hours. They seem to process about 20 people at a time.

They say that side-effects are idiosyncratic to individuals. Some get side-effects from the live vaccine (unsurprisingly), and some get none. Some get side-effects from placebo (psychosomatic) and most get none. So they say you can't tell from the side-effects if it was the vaccine or the placebo that you got.

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