Wits/Oxford vaccine trial - post #6

Went today to get "unblinded". Turns out I got the live vaccine. They gave me a booster shot today. No side-effects so far (rash etc). This is the ChAdOx-1 vaccine (used for Astra Zeneca).

Some thoughts on the bloodclots issue.

General population rate: approx 0.001 ie 0.1% chance, or one in a thousand.

Pregnancy rate: approx 0.0015, i.e. 0.15% chance, or one point five in a thousand.

Astra Zeneca rate: 222 cases so far out of 34m people, or about 0,00000653, or 0,000653 percent. 

Given the above, it could be argued that the Astra-Zeneca seems to prevent blood clots, since the rate in vaccinated persons is 230 times lower than general population.

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